Universal Starter Cube

brown grow universal starter cube product

Universal Starter Cubes are also an ideal solution for nurseries which could be used for juvenile plants and faster propagation. It has an excellent water holding capacity of 8.0-9.0% and aeration of 15-25% at full saturation for faster and healthier root growth of smaller plants. Similar to Starter Plugs, the raw coir is super washed to process the best of the materials without foreign particles. You could also insert the plant grown in Brown Grow Starter Plug directly into the starter cube without damaging its tender root system to expedite growth and development. Universal starter cubes can be transplanted into Brown Grow Faster Bags or Grow Bags after the plant is sufficiently matured by conveniently removing the cube’s bottom part of the cover.


Specially developed for propagation & can be used as a Juvenile Plant starter

Air holding capacity: 15%-25% volume at full saturation

Water Holding Capacity:8.0 – 9.0 L/Kg

pH Level: 5.7 – 6.7

EC: Below 0.3 (mS/cm)

Wash Type:Super washed

Recommended Size:Plant Hole size- 3cm deep/3.35cm in diameter / Cube Size - 7.5x7.5x6.5cm, 10x10x10cm

100% organic and recyclable

Packed in UV protected bags

On customer request, we can enclose the cubes in Below 0.3 (mS/cm)biodegradable wrapping paper.


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